Saturday 11 October 2014

Faster, Lighter, Stronger?

The design for this poster was inspired by my eternal quest to bring chain to life faster, lighter and stronger than ever and one of the most common questions I've been asked over the years as a chain artists.

The answer is based on an old elephant kōan "Q. How do you eat an elephant? A. One piece at a time." Which refers to a concept for accelerated learning and memory retention known as "chunking."

Another aphorism on the topic might be "The secret to writing a symphony is that ~IT~ can be done in pieces."

Right now I'm working on polishing off my crowd-sourcing campaign entitled Chainmail Tycoon Billionaire and I can't wait to find out what y'all think.

In the meantime, you can purchase a museum quality reproduction of  "The Ballad of Danny Steel" from my poster shop on Society 6 and help bolster my projects!

In the memetime, keep asking questions!

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